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Digital marketing is an ever-evolving field. With new tools and tactics constantly emerging, it can feel like there’s always something new to learn about digital marketing. This is especially true when it comes to digital advertising. Thanks to the rise in social media and the shift toward online shopping, online ads have become more and more prominent in people’s lives.

To attract their attention and make an impression, advertisers are spending more of their advertising budgets on digital marketing tactics than ever before. Whether you’ve never heard the term before or are already familiar with its value.

What is video marketing?

What is video marketing

source: Google Images

Video marketing is the process of attracting, acquiring, and engaging with prospective customers through the use of video content. Simply put, video marketing is the use of videos as a marketing tool. Video has become a key part of marketing strategies for many businesses, and it’s no wonder why:

Consumers are split between those who prefer video content and those who prefer written content. Additionally, research has shown that people are nearly twice as likely to remember information they learn through videos than they are through written content.

Why is video important for conversions?

Video content is powerful because it allows you to use images, audio, and video to create a complete marketing message that can stand on its own. Unlike written content, which is made of words, images, and sentences, video is more visual and can include movement, graphics, and even sound. This makes it a much more engaging marketing tool than written content, which relies solely on the words and sentences being spoken by the writer.

When you use video as part of your marketing strategy, you’re essentially taking the “visual approach” to marketing. Almost 90% of marketing messages are visual, according to a study by the Association of National Advertisers, making it an important tool to use in marketing strategies. You don’t have to be a visual person to use video in your marketing efforts, though. For example, the use of voice-over can create a more engaging marketing message than images or sound alone.

How does video help drive conversions?

Video is more visual than written content, which makes it a more impactful marketing tool than simply using images, words, and sentences as your marketing message. People also like videos more than they like written content.

This means that if you use video as a part of your marketing strategy, you’re likely to get more engagement and conversion rates than if you were to use just written content.

With video, you can use graphics, images, and even videos to convey your brand’s values, personality, and products. You can also use video as a call-to-action to get your audience to take an action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

Video ads and paid search are the best combos for conversions

Video ads themselves are an excellent marketing tool, and marketers have been leveraging them for years to attract new customers. However, there’s a new way to get even more out of them. In recent years, video ads have become a bit of a nuisance. Users complain about their intrusive nature and their impact on the internet’s speed.

And these are just complaints among users. Engineers also complain about the strain video ads put on the network. The solution? Instead of running a video ad, you can use it as a call-to-action for a paid search campaign. This means that you can use the same video ad to drive people to a paid search ad instead. That means your conversion rates will increase even further. And paid search ads are an excellent way to drive conversions.

Video ads alone are not enough for conversions

Video ads are an effective marketing tool, but they’re not enough on their own to drive significant growth and high ROI. Combining video ads with other digital marketing tactics can help you increase your results even more. One example of this is the use of video ads with social media.

Video ads on social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, can help you reach a broader audience than normal social media posts. For example, you may choose to post a photo and a short caption on Facebook. Instead of posting this as a normal post, though, you can use it as a video ad on Instagram. This can help you reach more of your target audience and boost your engagement and conversion rates.

Video ads with other digital marketing tactics can boost results even more

Video ads with other digital marketing tactics can boost results even more

source: Google Images

In addition to the ways you can use video ads with other digital marketing tactics, you can also use video ads with email marketing. For example, let’s say that you sell health products. Since this is an area where many people struggle with various health issues, you may want to incorporate your product into a recipe, like a healthy smoothie recipe that uses your product as an ingredient.

Using video to promote these recipe videos can help you boost your sales by driving customers to purchase the recipe and buy your product. Doing this won’t just increase your brand awareness, but it can also help you boost your sales.

To ensure that these recipe videos drive the most high-quality sales, you can use a few additional strategies. First, you can promote the recipe videos on popular social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Second, you can use paid ads to promote the recipe videos, which can boost your results even more.


Video marketing is a growing and effective way to attract, acquire, and engage prospective customers. While it can feel like there’s always something new to learn about video marketing, once you understand what it is, how it works, and when you should use it, it can be a very valuable marketing strategy for your business.

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